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  • Writer's pictureChin Youth Organization of North America

75th Anniversary of Chin National Day

Dear friends and fellow members of the Chin community,

Today we celebrate the 75th anniversary of Chin National Day, a day of great significance for the Chin people. It is a day we remember the courage and determination of our forefathers who fought for the rights of the Chin people. It is a day we uphold our unique culture and traditions and strive to create a more just and equitable society for future generations.

As we celebrate this day, let us also remember the challenges the Chin people are still facing in Chinland and Burma. We have witnessed crimes against humanity and war crimes committed against the Chin people by the Burmese military junta. It is important that we stand in solidarity and support their struggle for freedom and justice. We must continue to raise our voices and demand an end to the military regime's oppression and violence in Chinland and throughout Burma. We cannot rest until the Chin people are able to live in peace and security, and enjoy the same rights and freedoms as people everywhere.

Let us use this day to reaffirm our commitment to show our support and stand in solidarity with the Chin people until their struggle for freedom and justice is won.

We wish you all a happy Chin National Day, and may our celebrations be a reminder of our rich heritage and shared aspirations for a better tomorrow.

Warmest Regards,

Chin Youth Organization of North America


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